Learn how you can safely and successfully prepare your horse for important life skills!

This webinar series is included in our Virtual Classroom membership! Join or cancel at any time!

In this online live video series, we will look at a variety of important skills that horses need to learn in order to be successful in life. Each month we will delve into a different skill and take an in depth look at how you can prepare your horse and teach them the skills in a way that developed partnership, communication, confidence, and trust.

Each skill will be broken down into individual components that you can practice in a stress free way. Those components then build together to create the finished skills. It’s like when a child learns how to read- they must learn the individual letters and sounds before they can start to read words and sentences. Those individual letters are the first step and then they can be combined together to create a vast array of words. Likewise horses must learn basic skills first and then those skills can be used to develop more advanced skills.

Just like I wouldn’t expect a child to start off right away reading sentences, I can’t expect my horses to start off standing tied or loading onto a trailer. I need to do the prep work and teach them simpler skills first and then build up to the more advanced skill.

In each class we’ll take a look at how you can best prepare your horse to be successful in learning each of these important life skills.

The classes will be recorded and you will receive a link to download the recording so you can re-watch it any time you like.

Join us for just one or a few classes or the entire series!

• Standing Tied- March 12th, 6pm

• Preparing for Veterinary Work- April 9th, 6pm

• Preparing for Farrier Work- May 14th, 6pm

• Standing at the Mounting Block- June 11th, 6pm

• First Rides- July 9th, 6pm

• Balanced Movement- August 13th, 6pm

• Lunging- September 10th, 6pm

• Trailer Loading- October 8th, 6pm

• Trail Riding- November 12th, 6pm