Master the Art of Lunging Your Horse!

Unlock the knowledge to lunge your horse with confidence, precision, and care with our comprehensive online course! Designed for horse owners and trainers of all levels, this course will teach you how to lunge your horse in a way that promotes balance, correct movement, and a positive mental and emotional state. 

Lunging can be incredibly beneficial for your horse when done correctly, but harmful if done incorrectly. This class will help to ensure the work that you are doing is truly benefiting your horse. 

You’ll learn to be mindful of your horse’s physical and mental state and your horse will learn to be mindful of how they are using their body as well as the instructions that you are giving them. 

What You’ll Learn:

🔹Proper Equipment and Techniques: Learn about the different types of lunging equipment and how the equipment affects your horse. Discover the correct lunging methods that ensure your horse’s physical health and balance.

🔹Mindful Training: Learn how to maintain your horse’s mental and emotional well-being during lunging sessions.

🔹Correct Movement: Understand how to encourage proper movement patterns to enhance your horse’s performance and longevity.

🔹Safety First: Get tips on how to lunge safely and effectively, reducing the risk of injury for both you and your horse.

Are you ready to start the transformation with your horse?

Join me in learning the steps that I take with any horse that I work in my newest course- Mindful Lunging. This work benefits all horses regardless of breed, age, training level, or discipline.

What you’ll learn:

Week 1– Introduction- What is Mindful Lunging?

Week 2– Building the Foundation

Week 3 – Starting Circles

Week 4– Mindful Lunging

Week 5– Keep it Interesting

Week 6– Increasing Speed

Horses and people of all levels and discipline are welcome to join us.

Tension (or stiffness, bracing, resistance) can develop in your horse for a variety of reasons- improper posture, a sedentary lifestyle, an old injury, fear, confusion, and more. Tension will block the flow of energy through your horse’s body much like a kink will block the floor of water through a hose. Tension will make it harder for your horse to move in an athletic and healthy way. Therefore before we try to develop our horse physically, it’s best to discover and work through those areas of tension. Once tension is released, everything else will be easier.

In hand work in the best way that I’ve discovered to release tension in a horse. Join me in learning the steps that I take with any horse that I work with to discover and release tension. This in hand work benefits all horses regardless of breed, age, training level, or discipline.

How it Works:

After you sign up, you will receive a link to join a private Facebook group just for this class. The first week, we will meet live on Zoom for the Introduction. Each following week a video will be posted in the Facebook group for that week’s lesson. We will also meet live on Zoom each week for a Q&A.

Can’t make it to a live sessions? No worries, each session will be recorded and you can always submit your questions ahead of time to be answered. You will also be able to post questions and videos in the Facebook group to share your progress and get feedback.

The schedule (all times are Central US time zone):

September 4th, 6pm – Introduction: what is mindful lunging?/ The equipment

September 11th, 6pm – Week 1 Q&A / Building the foundation (Lateral releases and basic yields, mirroring)

September 18th, 6pm – Week 2 Q&A / Adding movement and starting circles

September 25th, 6pm – Week 3 Q&A / Mindful lunging 

October 2nd, 6pm – Week 4 Q&A / Keep it interesting

October 9th,6pm – Week 5 Q&A / Increasing energy

October 16th, 6pm – Week 6 Q&A

The Cost:

$49 Early Bird Rate (before August 28th)

$69 Regular Rate

All live meetings are recorded for you to watch later. You will have access to the videos through the private Facebook group until October 30th, after which time you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for our Virtual Classroom for continued access to the class videos plus access to our entire Video Library.


  • I have a miniature horse/draft horse/gaited horse. Can I participate? Yes! Mindful lunging work is beneficial to all breeds of horses, from the biggest to the smallest.

  • Do I need special equipment? You’ll need a horse, lunge line, and lunge whip. A lunging cavesson is preferred but you can also work in a regular leather halter. We will discuss the equipment more in depth in the first week but feel free to email with any questions.

  • I have no experience with Lunging. Will I be able to do this course? Absolutely! Bethany breaks everything down into easy to follow steps. You can also receive additional guidance through video coaching and our Facebook group. Your success is of utmost importance to us!

  • Why don’t I get lifetime access to the content? In order to keep the costs of this course as low as possible, we made the decision to limit it to a three month subscription. This allows participants to try it out at a very affordable rate. Most courses of this type cost several hundred dollars to participate in, which can be cost prohibitive for many people. If you would like to continue to have access to the course material after the course ends, you are welcome to join our Virtual Classroom where you will continue to have access to this plus all of our other courses and videos as long as you maintain your subscription.

  • More questions? Email Bethany at