In this episode I’ll be talking about the idea of trigger stacking: what it is, how it affects our work with our horses, and how it applies to our own behavior both with our horses and in our lives out side of horses.
Virtual Classroom Membership Group-
God’s Heart through a Horse’s Eyes-
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Bethany, you might not remember me but I attended church with you in McHenry. I was very disappointed in Pastor Lundstrom. The first time was when he said that he would not allow gay to received communion. Correct me if I’m wrong and please don’t take offense but when I looked you up on Amazon. I saw you now lived with your female spouse and your son, Jake. Jake has grown so fast!!
In 2001 rescued 37 Arabian horse from the slaughter auction because they were considered dangerous and untrainable. I used natural horsemanship methods and my mare who passed at 32 years old was amazing. All the horses have passed now or were donated to disable riding facilities. I am so proud to remember how they were so gentle and how easily we put them in the trailers. It brings tears to my eyes.
Any way you might remember me because I still have all the saddles and costumes. But I broke my back and can’t raise my legs to mount my last horse Domino. He knows how to bow and shake hand but I can’t get anyone to help me ride as they are concerned for my safety.
I can tell you know horses well and are an excellent trainer. I studied under a silver medalist in Ireland and with many famous trainers in the U.S.
My mortgage for my little farm is in foreclosure but I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and POTS and can’t get out of bed most days but I think if I could work with Domino I might be motivated. Being sick does make me very depressed much of the time. I am so frustrated – so many things need to be done. I am taking in boarders for my house and sure I can save my farm.
I’m joining your group. I always admired you not for your horse skills but for your faith. You were the friendliest and kindest person at that church.
Gloria Mayer
Hi Gloria!
I do remember you from church. We attended for awhile but unfortunately had to leave when my then husband, who you may also remember, transitioned genders and became my wonderful wife, Nicole. Our son, Zeke, is almost four now! They grow so fast!
That’s so wonderful what you were able to do for those rescued Arabians. What an amazing experience that must have been!
I’m sorry to hear about the struggles you are going through. I can’t imagine how hard that must be for you. If there’s anything I can do to help feel free to reach out. We are living in Wisconsin now but we aren’t too far from McHenry. You can reach me directly at or 630-935-4738
Welcome to the group! There are a lot of ground work exercises in the Virtual Classroom so maybe you’ll find something you can do with Domino and find some motivation. Being near horses is so beneficial.
And thank you for your kind words. Even though we’ve left the church, I still have a strong faith and it’s guided me in everything I do with my horses.
❤️ Bethany